Results of assistance to the residents of Barvinkiv district 💙💛

On May 27th we were approached by the head of of the Society for the Disabled of Barvinkiv Territorial Community Sergiy Chukhno with a request to provide humanitarian assistance to people who are physically unable to take care of themselves. There are 200 people (people with disabilities, the elderly, and large families) who need food, medicine and personal hygiene products in the Center. Given the significant amount of humanitarian aid, we immediately began collecting funds to cover all the needs on request. this is a lot of money! Things are very turbulent in the Barvinkiv area right now, so our team was additionally organized to transport all the items to the center so that everyone could get help. We are grateful to everyone who joined the collection and helped inhabitants of Barvinkiv territorial community, you helped so many times in situations when it seemed already hopeless 😎 and this time you didn't fail again! Stay with us not to miss the next fundraising, and let's win TOGETHER 💙💛

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Our friend from the USA, John Aravosis, also joined the fundraiser

Thanks to John Aravosis, the organization managed to collect a significant amount of money, which was used to buy food kits, hygiene products and many other necessary things for the residents of the city of Barvinkove
You can express your gratitude at the link below

This is how our team packs and loads humanitarian products

An example of a food kit that we sent to residents of Barvinkivskyi district

Report on the use of funds

Report about medicine delivery

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